This is the work in progress
This is my initial sketch/ thumbnail

Then I take that small sketch, blow it up on photoshop, and do a bigger rendering of it in blue, with more detail and cleaner line work. (The cat was done in red because it overlapped the old woman and if it were in blue it would of confused me greatly when I went into color mode lol)

Then I zoom out all the way from the image and do a color mock up test. Just with splotches in the general area, so I can get a feel for where all the colors are gonna be, and where my light source is coming from. It also helps me get started by having big splotches of paint and i just mix and manipulate, workng big to small. (beats the overwhelming feeling of empty space)

*Yeah I removed the table and vase from the final because I didn't want them anymore lol
And there you have it. Just further adding subtracting and finessing and before I know it I end up with my final

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