God I loved the last Harry Potter soo much, I just had to do something to commemorate it, especially being the last installment of the series! (zomg sad face) When i read the book so much things struck me hard on an emotional level, and I was wondering if the movie would be able to tug at the same heart strings, and it was extremely successful... loll

So for this piece I wanted to include some of the scenes that were really special and outstanding to me, being, Harry's mother speaking to baby Harry before she's murdered, Ron and Hermoine's long awaited kiss, and the Dementors looming over Hogwarts. I also felt it was important to include the duel between Harry and Voldemort, because its become the series' trademark since the 4th movie. I wanted to include the horcuxes but I felt it may of cluttered the piece so I just included the snake, (and I suppose Harry if you want to count him lol) I have Snape and Voldemort next to each other because they represent Harry's protector and killer.
Also, and this is probably for the most astute observers but I did want to include the Deathly Hallows symbol in the piece, so I arranged the composition to make the shape. Harry, elder wand and where the spells crash is ur straight line, tip of the want down the sides making your triangle and Harry at the center making your circle. Anyways nuff of that, hope you like.
Next update will be the Princess Peach spread as voted.
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